Contempory art

Ghost Nets and Sea Turtles, selected for the Southern Ocean Art Prize Award
Exhibition Dates
Friday 1 - Sunday 10 November
Robe Institute, Robe SA

The dangers of ghost nets on sea turtles and other marine life are well documented but there remains the problem that the unwanted nets are often still floating around causing problems. “This is especially concerning, as Northern Australia and the Torres Strait are a feeding and nesting ground for six of the seven turtle species in the world (from Sea Museum)” My acrylic painting is about bringing awareness to the dangers of discarded and unwanted nets.

Recent Bridal paintings showing sketch and final acrylic painting on canvas. This Painting was selected as a finalist award Art pavilion in Miami, Florida art exhibition to be held in December 2023. The painting was also displayed at the Bridal Fair in Canberra held at the Convention Center on the 30th July 2023

I joined a group Nature Art Lab, Canberra on line social media platform in with a theme "Reflections on Nature"and uploaded my mixed media painting called ‘Before they Disappear’
By participating in this project I visualized an art piece in the environment relating to my natural surrounding at Narooma. I started to develop an art piece multimedia with a subject theme of moths/butterflies I noticed at a beach that had been stranded there and died. They were beautiful in my eyes and I wanted to capture that moment before they disappeared for ever and so painted the moths/butterflies in the art form of mixed media using watercolour and inks - a textured sand background gave the moths a chance to live on through my painting. By participating in online social media my artwork (Before they disappear) was chosen for a group exhibition held at the Old Barn Gallery, Pialligo ACT. Exhibition Dates:Thursday 2 February to Sunday 5 February 2023 and Thursday 9 February to Sunday 12 February 2023 10am - 4pm